How To Measure The Impact Of Digital Signage

How To Measure The Impact Of Digital Signage

No matter how big or small of an investment you make, you want to have a way to measure your success to determine if it was money well spent. When it comes to measuring digital signage ROI, there are several methods you can use to gauge the overall impact.

Are People Seeing It?

You don’t always have to use graphs, charts, and PowerPoints when it comes to measuring digital signage effectiveness. Simply taking note of whether customers actually see the signage is a great jumping off point. Because attention spans have gotten shorter, be sure the message you display on your signage is short and sweet.

Have something you want to share that can’t be encompassed on the screen? Let viewers know they can go to your site or social media page for more information. Better yet, you can simply direct them to the customer service desk right in your brick-and-mortar location.

Are You Changing Up the Message?

With shorter attention spans comes the desire to see something new and engaging. This means changing up the message and graphics on your digital signage. By keeping the same message, you run the very real risk of your digital signage blending into the background where people pass by without noticing it.

By changing up the material, you offer something fresh and intriguing to catch the eye. Have several messages planned out in advance and decide when as well as how you’ll change things up. A schedule makes thing easy for everyone.

Are You Using Video Recognition Software?

If you’re technologically savvy, you can harness the power of video recognition software to help you with measuring digital signage ROI. Specifically, the software uses a system of cameras to count how many people walk by your signage, determine if they stop and measure how long they stop.

The data you get back lets you know not only whether your message is being seen, but if it’s reaching the number of people you desire and making them stop long enough to take in the message in its entirety.

Additionally, there are traffic tracking tools, which are cameras mounted on the ceiling and gather data related to how long the customer stands in one place, how they move around and if there are any discernable patterns in movement. You can use this information to see what draws customers’ eyes the most, allowing you to recreate that experience in more spaces around your store.

Are Customers Retaining Your Message?

It doesn’t do much good to display a message that viewers forget five seconds after seeing it. To determine how well customers are retaining your content, you can ask customers to take a survey, the number or website for which can you print out on the bottom of receipts. Because most people are unlikely to take such a survey without getting something out of it, it’s a good idea to make it worth their while and offer a coupon, special offer or discount.

Are Your Customers Acting on the Message?

Another way to see how much of an impact your digital signage has on your target audience is to see how well they seem to act on the message. With this measurement method, you’ve got to know just what reaction you’re hoping to elicit from customers. Do you want to gather specific contact information for your newsletter? Push a certain product or service? Kick up excitement for an upcoming sale?

Whatever the action is, you’ve got to make it easy to measure your success or failure; otherwise, you really can’t tell how well you’re doing or if you need to change anything. As you poll results, you should also have a specific goal in mind for the results you’re hoping for, which goes a long way in helping you to determine just how successful or not-so-successful you are.

Are Your Signs Displayed in the Right Location(s)?

Measuring digital signage effectiveness is difficult if no one is even taking notice of your signs in the first place. For this reason, you want to pay close attention to where your signage is positioned in your store. Besides hoisting them up at entrances, you can also position them in storefront windows to entice customers inside.

Other prime locations for digital signage include the checkout area where customers can take a peek while waiting in line. You might also opt to have a few displays at store exits where you can share your company’s social media information in case customers would like to keep up with you for updates, news on sales and the like. If you have any kind of loyalty program, be sure existing customers know about it.

Regularly measure the overall impact of your digital signage so you’re always on the right track for making the most of your investment. Keeping up this habit is sure to pay off both short-term and long-term.

Nixplay Signage offers unique B2B solutions.  Get in touch today for a free demo, for details of our offerings or for any questions or inquiries. Try Nixplay Signage now to start seeing the difference.


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